From the description file:
Janitor was built with beginning-to-intermediate R users in mind and is optimized for user-friendliness. Advanced users can already do everything covered here, but they can do it faster with janitor and save their thinking for more fun tasks.
The janitor functions expedite the initial data exploration and cleaning that comes with any new data set. This catalog describes the usage for each function.
You should be able to do everything inside janitor on your own, but we don’t have the time to always clean up data without help.
Benefits to using Janitor over writing your own code:
Two main functions I use all the time:
Other really usual functions:
filepath <- "S:/Data Analytics/State Test Analysis/2016-2017/Uncommon Roster Prep/~Data/Source/Uncommon Roster 2016-17.xlsx"
read_excel(filepath, sheet="Sheet1", col_types = "text") %>%
clean_names() %>%
remove_empty_cols() %>%
remove_empty_rows() %>%
mutate_at(vars(entrydate, exitdate, student_id, yearsinuncommon), as.numeric) %>%
mutate_at(vars(entrydate, exitdate), excel_numeric_to_date) %>%
## # A tibble: 6 x 16
## network school student_id last_name first_name grade gender
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Collegiate BEC 220405468 Abassy Ernest 7th Grade M
## 2 Collegiate BEC 208846345 Abdus-Salaam Saleem 8th Grade M
## 3 Collegiate BEC 219633948 Actie Samach 7th Grade M
## 4 Collegiate BEC 242674893 Aguy Kedrick 5th Grade M
## 5 Collegiate BEC 226778173 Alcide Chaz 8th Grade F
## 6 Collegiate BEC 220835102 Alcindor Jr. Erwin 7th Grade M
## # ... with 9 more variables: ethnicity <chr>, lunch_status <chr>,
## # iep_status <chr>, ell_flag <chr>, entrydate <date>, exitdate <date>,
## # exit_explanation <chr>, yearsinuncommon <dbl>, student_count <chr>
Even more functions
Activity: Find the user guide for Janitor.